Thursday, March 29, 2007


elise and i.
Originally uploaded by ezza..
today we had to create a flickr. account so everyone can look and see images and photos that we have already created or that we find interesting. to me its alot like photobucket where we can put up heaps of photos and share them with friends and post them etc. i have this account but while creating my flickr. account it explained and looks a hell of alot easier than photobucket soooo im quite excited to start using flickr. instead.

my flickr. account

well i havent really gotten into the whole posting posts and blogs and stuff though over the holidays i will defs. start doing it more and spending more time with it sooo untill that time.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

well this week we had to create a account. will allow us to save and share websites that we find interesting or lame! at the moment i dpnt really know of any interesting websites as i havent as yet just 'surfed' the web for no reason but now i shall!!!

if you wish to see the sites that i find interesting or lame click here

hopefully you will find it as interesting as its meant to be....though im not sure how its going to go!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

first proper post

well. im not a fan of writing posts/blogs but alas i must for this class or else i will fail and there is no point in failing due to the fact i dont like writing stuff that other people can read. soooo my blog will be very general and lame and hopefully people will comment me so i look like i have friends and i pass the course!

im erin.
im 18.
im from sydney.
im doing a ba in animation and visual effects.
im loving campus life.
im hateing dinning hall food.
im missing my friends from home.
im a cheap arse uni student so i dont call my friends i use myspace!

ahaha thats about it really.
i was addicted to myspace in year 12 and we posted chat photos of teachers at my school! sooo. i use myspace often as its a space where my friends and i share our crazy/random adventures out and about! and now im going to put a link and hopefully it will work or else im stuffed ahahaha! so here goes.

im soo cool i made the link work.!

that is all.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

the first post

there are two chat people sitting next to me! geytjekmi fg,.;ho;g'h[p

they are doing chat tgyhul,things 516t90o156 my bl3rt6ohug26+0reg

well thats my first blog i know how interesting it is.