Tuesday, May 1, 2007


who determines what is interesting?
what is the criteria of an interesting post/blog?
how do you know if you are interesting?
how do you know if you write about interesting things?
what is interesting to you the same as the person next to you?

these are the questions i ask myself every time i write a post for the blog.

in english i was the WORST writer there could have ever been at my school. my creative writing was really bad and i did average in my essays only due to the fact that most of them were pre-written and had to answer a question. so now im thinking i should figure out a question prior to writing a post so i can answer that and try to make my blog more interesting. now i think how to i create an interesting question for me to answer??

so i have come to the realisation that i personally do not care if people find my blog interesting cause im not suited to everyone nor am i to them thus no one can really determine what is interesting thus the criteria on the mark sheet of 'interestingness' should be deleted as everyone is interesting in their own way most likely not through their writing skills (more than likely referring to just myself here).

i will now share with a few photos that i find interesting.

1 comment:

Poodle said...
